Are we allowed to use profanity on Blogspot? What makes me wonder is Congress. Most recently, the Senate, but both houses are a bunch of jack*sses. The Dems are going to blow it for the party if they keep up this nonsense of accomplishing nothing and orchestrating endless stunts. I understand that the right answer to Iraq is hardly obvious, but they way they're handling it just makes me think that both Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are bitter partisans who care only about electioneering and not about doing the right thing (and, possibly, they're nuts). I had hoped for better. Furthermore, they are also screwing the pooch on education, health care, immigration and capping greenhouse gas emissions. The whole spectacle makes me so angry that D said yesterday he was glad he'd not brought it up until after my obstetrician took my blood pressure. Where are the leaders? They must exist, just by virtue of human nature, which means they must all be in business, not government. So the question is, where is the sense of public service?
Let's see . . . in other news, our most recent visit to the obstetrician revealed that mine is a BIG baby. Apparently, this runs in Dave's family, which was news to me and which at least made me a teeny bit thankful for the planned C-section. See, things have a way of working out. Anyway, the doc said that the baby is so big that I look about a month more pregnant than I in fact am. Oh good lord. Having recently seen some photos of friends at their most pregnant, I've begun wondering if it is humanly possible to become even bigger than that. And, in all seriousness (although it is kind of funny, too), I'm kind of wondering whether I'm going to find a way to walk when my belly gets that big.
I am madly in need of a nap. Physical therapy was at 7:30 this morning, which is usually a time when I'm still sleeping. As a treat for hauling myself out of bed, I went to Starbuck's afterwards, for latte & a croissant. That's right, I've started to drive short distances, and I feel like a bit more human every time. What a real luxury, even though SB's never bakes their croissants enough and the ambience at our particular SB's is not great -- still, I was able to go, order, buy, sip, eat and even peruse the NY Times. I might have to do that more often. Maybe getting out of the house a bit more will whet my appetite for "real life" and assuage some of the fears I have about resuming it.
Speaking of latte, being pregnant has done weird things to my appetite. Oddly enough, considering it was at least a daily indulgence before, I don't crave espresso at all now that I'm pregnant -- Baby must know it isn't that good for her. I also find the idea of salmon revolting and only once in a while can I stomach the smell of shrimp. I can't seem to get enough fruit, cheese, pickles and milk, but even chocolate doesn't really do it for me right now. I'm also basically hungry nearly all day. I can't seem to eat as much at any given time -- I think the baby is taking up all the space -- but my appetite is unabated, so I just get hungry every 90 minutes or so. It's a good thing it takes me longer to get around the kitchen and to cook, or I might literally eat all day. Well, when I wasn't napping.
We're paying off my Subaru Outback. Now I am facing the timeless dilemma of parents; there is no room for 3 car seats in a normal car. When the baby is born, if we want both cars to be capable of carrying around all THREE CHILDREN (I am going to have THREE CHILDREN), I will need a different car. Dave's Honda Pilot has a third row of seating (which S has already claimed as her own); I could conceivably also get an SUV with three rows. When you start thinking about how much easier it would be to have remote control doors, and siderails low enough for little ones to climb in themselves, though, it's hard not to lean towards a minivan. A minivan, Oh, help me. On the other hand, I could just put a car seat or two in the back of a convertible BMW and refuse to carry all three kids at once.
I think it's time for a nap. My poor, tired brain is too full.
I just want to ask if you asked Congress to cap greenhouse emissions and talked about getting a minivan or SUV all in the same post...?
well, i'm right with you on a minivan. they are not the most glamorous. that said, if i'd known i was gonna have sweet AM just a mere 14 months after sweet EG, i would have opted for that instead of my honda pilot. don't get me wrong--i LOVE my pilot. but, with 2 carseats in the backseat, the third row of seating is not accessible without taking a car seat out (which we all know is a royal pain) or crawling in through the trunk. so, if S or R need a booster, i'd recommend you put it in the third row and the little mermaid's new seat in the second row on one side, so you can lower one side down to let R and S in the third row. whew. so much strategy for what should be a simple concept. or you can buy a minivan with remote control doors, lower sides to help out your back and a built in DVD. and leather seats. always go with leather seats with an infant. it's much easier to clean up projectile vomit off leather. :)
spoken like a guy with two kids.
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