08 August 2007

Oh, Help

I need an art-house theater close enough for me to drive there without fear. I was just reading another blog recommended by one of my friends, called Pop Culture Reviewed, and she was raving about the indie movie "Once." I'm dying to see it -- had been dying to see it since I read about it in EW -- but it hasn't come near us. Same with documentaries -- I love them, but it's not easy to find them in Panera-land (or Chick-Fil-U.S., if you prefer). I haven't even seen "Sicko." I usually like Michael Moore movies -- partly for his stroking of my liberal parts and partly so I can feel superior by shooting down his statistics or arguments.

I tentatively posed the possibility of Netflix to D, but he nailed me with exactly the argument that was the reason I quit my membership as a single girl -- I am a creature of instant gratification. Even though I lovingly maintained my Queue, I was almost never in the mood for the movies that came to my mailbox when they came to my mailbox. Instead of just sending them back, I would wait, often in vain, for the mood to strike, which meant I usually had three movies I didn't want to watch sitting on top of the TV for a month, paying far more in the end for each of them than if I had bought a copy of the DVD. Drat. Blockbuster's new deal might be a better idea, but we're also skeptical we'll bother to go, even though the big B is right next to our grocery store. Argh!

A little while ago they opened a new Landmark (artsy) cinema right across the street from my office building. Maybe in the end it'll be some subtitled S&M musical that'll make me go back to work.


Anonymous said...

Subtitled S&M musical? Can you give me the name, I totally have to put that in my queue.

A. Scott said...

I'm working on the screenplay. I'll let you know.