05 February 2008

Yes We Can

I can't figure out how to include this d*mn video on my post, so here's the link:


This is a lovely and inspiring video made by supporters (famous ones) of Barack Obama.

More importantly, some points of policy that Obama is proposing:

-a tax credit for working families that would completely eliminate income taxes for 10 million people (including some in my family)
-requiring the IRS to automatically use information from banks and employers to greatly simplify tax filings and in many cases, providing already-completed forms for taxpayers to sign and send in
-opposing the Central American Free Trade Act and similar free trade bills that do not include environmental and worker-safety standards, while supporting free trade bills that do
-double federal funding for various kinds of scientific research and make permanent tax credits for research and development
-create new jobs and job training programs for, and invest in, renewable energy and other environmental-forward manufacturing
-get broadband internet access to all communities in the United States and use federal policies to protect or improve access of all content to the internet
-begin removing troops immediately, one or two brigades at a time
-have all combat troops out in 16 months
-no permanent bases
-initiate an aggressive diplomatic effort in the region, among all players, including Syria
-intiate a regional working group to address the Iraqi humanitarian crisis over refugees
Foreign Policy
-sit down with leaders of all countries, including America's enemies (i.e. reverse America's sense of entitlement and arrogance while improving our standing as the world's leader)
-end Bush's policy of preemptive war
-embrace the Millenium Development Goal of cutting global poverty in half by 2015, by doubling government aid
-open more consulates in the toughest parts of the world, rather than shuttering them when the going gets tough
-crack down on nuclear proliferation and work toward a nuclear-weapon-free world, as well as pronounce the word correctly
-increase the number of military ground troops, and improve the training and readiness of reserves and national guard, as well as ending the practice of back-to-back deployments
Some Other Items
-Expand the Family and Medical Leave Act, including to more employers and for more reasons, such as for elder care, to attend children's academic activities, and to address domestic violence
-Increase federal incentives for telecommuting
-Enact the Fair Pay Act (for women to be paid the same as men)
-Expand hate crimes legislation
-Cap & Trade to reduce carbon emissions by 80% of 1990 levels by 2050. (Note that I don't support cap & trade as an alternative to a carbon tax, but there aren't any remaining candidates in either party who support a carbon tax.) Also, investment in alternative energy sources and retraining workers in these industries.
-Teacher recruiting scholarships to cover 4-year undergrad or 2-year grad programs in teaching & reform No Child Left Behind
-Tax credit making first $4,000 of college tuition free and paying for 2/3 of the average public college and 100% of average community college tuition
-Creation of a national health plan available to all Americans, but mandated only for kids.

Some of these policies are not that different from Hillary Clinton's, but I personally find Obama much more inspiring and appealing than Hillary -- and he polls better against John McCain than she does. Besides, she and Bill have, I think, permanently damaged my previous esteem of them with their nasty tactics in attacking Obama over the past month or so. Obama is not just about rhetoric, either (although heaven forbid we should have a President who can express himself!). If you are interested in reviewing his record in Illinois and in the Senate, and if you are interested in a new, truly unifying view of America, please check out http://www.barackobama.com/ (especially if you or a friend live in a Super Tuesday state!).

Finally, if you or a friend has any questions whatsoever about how to register or vote, or wants to report any unfair voting practices, please contact the nonpartisan National Campaign for Fair Voting Practices sponsored by the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights. Their web site is:

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