30 April 2007

Wilmer Eye Institute

We spent three and a half hours at the Wilmer Eye Institute at Hopkins today. Dr. Neil Miller, probably one of two or three top neuro-ophthalmologists in the country, said, "Ms Scott, I have no clue what's going on with you." It's weird -- when these geniuses say things like this, I almost feel proud of myself, as if I've outwitted them, somehow.

The good news is that the measurements they took of my double vision confirm what I thought, which is that it has improved since the first measurement they made back on April 12. Unfortunately, as far as I know, that improvement happened just before the surgery and nothing's really happened since then. Still, the measurement is nearly 80% better. I'll take that -- although, as Dr. Miller said, it's kind of irrelevant in a way -- my vision is still doubled, and therefore my functioning impaired, even if it's 80% "less double."

Anyway, the current plan is to go back to Dr. Miller on July 17, unless my eyes get worse between now and then (the thought is that it might, if the improvement was due to treatment with steroids that i received until last Wednesday).

The echocardiogram, meanwhile, came out clean -- nothing wrong with my heart, which is what I thought.

Tonight I am completely exhausted and my eyes hurt. So I'm going to close -- thanks for your good wishes.

1 comment:

The Comers said...

let's hope your keen intelligence doesn't continue to outwit them. you'll need clear vision to chase the little one around. glad things are looking a little better. keep us posted. love you!