16 July 2008

CUC Night

Imagine a messy house. Times ten. That's mine. Unfortunately, my back is really hurting today. In fact, everything hurts, from my 3rd cervical vertebra down to my distal phalanges. In fact, I am going to get up from the computer, put the dirty dishes in the dishwasher, take a trash bag to my office and vaguely sweep the kitchen floor (brooms, no vacuum), and then take a muscle relaxant and lie flat on the floor. Well, maybe I'll lie on the floor after I eat a piece of my peach cobbler, which goes well with muscle relaxant. I wouldn't even do any of those things that come before muscle relaxant and peach cobbler, but you see, tonight is our biweekly clean-up-for-the-cleaners night. I hate CUC night.

First, though, I'll tell you how things are. We had two weekend weddings in a row. More about them later, but the important thing is that they were both absolutely beautiful and very meaningful. Dave and I both love weddings. Furthermore, I danced the night away (and did a shot of -- something) at the first wedding -- although I must admit I had pretty much crashed by the second wedding. Both were lovely, and Dave and I had a very nice, romantic time of our weekends away while Grammy watched Abs. Last night we topped it all off with a fun anniversary (our 2d) dinner at Morton's in Bethesda. A beautiful Cosmopolitan martini, a succulent steak, heavenly creamed spinach, decadent champagne cocktails, and a luxurious molten chocolate cake. And a sitter. It was wonderful. I honestly can't believe this man still wants to be married to me, much less loves me. But I think he does, on both counts. Silly man. :)

And now I'm sore. I found that alcohol nicely loosens the muscles (or deadens the pain, or both), so drinking at these weddings and dinners led me to do things like dance, and make out with my husband, in ways I normally can't but really enjoyed. So I had a grand old time. And now I'm sore, and tired.

S and R are both doing well. S is intensely bored without school, but she is starting to get excited about her dueling birthday parties. Ours will be at Little Gym this year -- we needed help with the execution. R doesn't seem to mind being out of school, and he continues to love helping with the cooking, which is darling and hilarious. He always wants to taste what he "makes," "to make sure it isn't poisonous."

And little AJS is a wunderkind, of course. She is crawling at just shy of 8 months. Not quickly, thank goodness (because Mommy can't chase her and we haven't babyproofed yet), but she speeds up when there's a TV remote to grab. (It's true -- nothing will make her crawl like the remote. Not her toys, not food, not even her beloved Daddy.) She also learned to clap, which just cracks herself up, and she has two teeth on the bottom and one starting to come through on top! For some reason she's been getting up in the middle of the night, lately. I think maybe she just can't eat enough during waking hours to sustain her incredible rate of growth. She is huge. Not fat, just huge. Sweet girl. :) We are just beginning to plan her baptism. This means that Grammy is online shopping for Abby's dress, I am online shopping for invitations and caterers, and D is online making sure the date doesn't conflict with a Ravens home game. Sigh. We're a little slow on the draw -- she'll be almost a year old by the time we do it -- but I think God will forgive us. We've been a little preoccupied.

All right, that's it for now. Happy CUC Night. Or, as they say on Baby First satellite channel, "Shushybye and Good Night."

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