25 August 2008


My SC pal (see the link to Comer Family Circus, sidebar) tagged me to reveal six quirky things about myself, and then tag 6 more people. Here goes:

1. I am scared of bridges. Always have been. I also hate standing at the edge of something high (like the top of the Empire State Building), and looking down. I would not bungee jump if my life depended on it. On the other hand, I loved piloting an airplane and I loved parasailing. Apparently I implicitly trust air currents more than I trust human engineering. (Ignoring the fact that the plane and the parasail are engineered.)

2. I saw a vision of Jesus once. Sober.

3. Both of my pinky fingers are crooked from having been broken, in separate incidents about 25 years apart.

4. I really love frogs, and I think snakes are pretty cool (though I respect their wildness -- meaning I don't want them in my house, car or sleeping bag).

5. I'm not ticklish, except on my feet.

6. I hate glaciers. I heli-hiked on one, once, and it SUCKED. I was terrified the whole time because they gave us this horrifying pre-hike lecture about crevasses and how if you fell in one, you would most likely die, and then you get out on the ice and you see crevasses EVERYWHERE. I remember thinking, "what the f- am I doing out here??" I wish all those polar bears well, and hope that the ice caps don't shrink and leave them swimming around sadly like in "An Inconvenient Truth," but I loathe glaciers and plan never to set foot on another one.

OK, so I'll notify those who are tagged, and if you don't have a blog, (a) post a comment on this site listing your six things, (b) tag six more people and (c) start a blog! Thanks Nic--

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