15 January 2009

And The Award Goes To . . .

Inspired by a friend's recent posting of her favorite novels of 2008, I decided to set forth a few of my favorite things of 2008. (I think the only novel I read might have been Twilight, and I was underwhelmed.) So, here they are:

The Post-American World, Fareed Zakaria. My favorite book of the year. I am a Zakaria fan, and I really hope he knows what he's talking about, because this book is hopeful and yet realistic in its view of how globalization will play out in the near term.

Bobby. My favorite movie. Does it have to be a movie that came out in 2008? I think that's an unfair standard for a parent of an infant. Anyway, I finally saw this movie this year, and if you haven't seen it, you should. Powerful and frightening. Plus I love the costumes and sets. And Martin Sheen. I cried like crazy at the end, not only because it is so sad that we lost RFK, but because I am afraid that people will never change. (Close behind is Mamma Mia, which I also just saw. I haven't seen anything new in a long time.)

Harrod's Irish Breakfast. My favorite tea of the year. Thanks, baby, for bringing it back from the UK for me.

Web Site. I don't have a favorite web site. Do most people? I spend a lot more time surfing around on tons of different sites and haven't really developed a committed relationship to any of them. Am I alone in this?

Thich Nhat Hanh. My favorite class at church this year. Yes, I am still a Christian. But I'm an Episcopalian, remember.

My son's Nintendo DS. My favorite toy of the year. I still use my Rebel XTi digital SLR camera all the time, and love it, but the kids got DS handheld video games from Santa and I have become an addict. A real addict. Unfortunately, I'm not supposed to use the DS when R is not around, so I sneak it and feel guilty each time.

Sidney Crosby. My favorite sportsman of the year -- again. He plays hockey like a dolphin swimming in the sea.

The Monarchy. My favorite documentary miniseries. I love the Brits.

Richard Restak. My favorite doctor of the year. This is a tough category, what with all the competition. This gentlemen is a rock-star neurologist who looks like Alfred Hitchcock with Albert Einstein's hair. (Speaking of Hitchcock, I haven't seen Notorious in a while -- one of my all-time favorite movies.) Dr. Restak has a tiny garrett-office in D.C.; one feels like one is shopping at Ollivander's.

I Am Legend. My most hated audiobook of the year (how's that for a category?).

Sugarland. My favorite band. I love them, not only because I can actually sing along with Jennifer Nettles' voice (not well, mind you, but the point is she's not a screeching soprano).

The Irish Inn at Glen Echo. My favorite place to eat out this year. Although we ate at a lot of nice places, including in Vegas, I love Irish pubs and always feel very comfortable in them.

David Gergen, Bill Bennett and Jeff Toobin. My favorite pundits. These three were the only ones on all the networks I could stand to watch cover the election. I used to like Carville, but he really has stopped looking like a human being, and it's distracting. I think maybe Mary is a vampire and is slowly sucking the life force out of him. Creepy.

The Economist. Still my favorite magazine. This year, though, I also really liked "Wondertime" and sometimes I enjoyed "Good" (sometimes they're too cool for school).

CS Monitor. My favorite newspaper this year.

Jon Stewart. My favorite anchorman. Duh.

Finding Out that Obama's Nominee for Energy Secretary is a Nobel Laureate. High point of post-election political news (i.e. me jumping up and down, clapping). Right up there with finding out that, to some extent at least, Jimmy Smits' character in The West Wing was based on Barack Obama.

Crochet, Scrapbooking, Pastels, Sketching, Embroidery, Cross-Stitch, Fleece-Blanket-Making, Clay. My favorite dabbles of the year. OK, so I haven't found an outlet for my visual art yet. Sorry, honey, and I apologize for all the paper, yarn, fleece, thread, etc. lying around.

Red Damask Tablecloth. My favorite Christmas present! (Or one of them, anyway.) I don't know what this means about my life, but I love my tablecloth.

Cooking Thanksgiving Dinner for Many, Many People. One of my favorite moments of the year.

Attending a Penguins Playoff Game in Pittsburgh with My Hubby. Another of my favorite moments of the year!

Skippy Natural Creamy. My favorite peanut butter.

Narcissism. My favorite neurosis. :)

1 comment:

BethonMVY said...

Wow. It's pretty amazing that we can still be best friends and apparently have NOTHING in common. :-)