13 August 2007

Glad Someone's Awake

I saw Abby move for the first time today -- through my skin, I mean. She is getting big enough, and her quarters are tight enough, that I can watch my belly and see her kick and squirm. I still can't imagine exactly what she's doing in there; maybe she gets stiff and cramped just like her mama does. Little does she know that out here, we are all eagerly anticipating her movements and even more, her turn to join us. All I can say for sure is that she seems to have a lot more energy than I do. I have been an absolute slug yesterday and today -- we're talking serious internal discussions over whether it's worth it to sit up. I have no choice today, because we're off to the obstetrician for another checkup (and the glucose test -- that stuff they make you drink is seriously disgusting, in case you're curious, and this comes from a woman with a well-honed sweet tooth). So, sit up I have. The jury is out on whether it's worth it.

1 comment:

The Comers said...

isn't that fun, seeing her move? it's fun until she's ginormous and then EVERYONE can see her move as you're sitting back trying to digest your food and she alien-swims with her elbow across your abdomen. good stuff! :)