15 October 2007

Pinch Me, Please

I dreamed that Abby came out with only one eye. A big, square eye, like a windshield in the middle of her forehead. Other than that, she seemed happy. Except that, in my dream, I kept forgetting about her. I'd go almost all day, and then see the stroller in the corner and think, "Oh, no!" and race off to the nursery, reminded that there was this baby in there who needed to be fed and cleaned. She never cried in my dream, which just made me feel worse, because she went for hours and hours with no food, no attention, and wet diapers. I even blamed her in my dream-mind: if she would only cry, I wouldn't forget she exists! Very creepy.

1 comment:

The Comers said...

it's the mommy guilt. you already feel guilty for the things you haven't yet forgotten to do. totally normal and, unfortunately, impossible to evade.